Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Intuition and Skincare

Hello Everyone,

I keep thinking with my human mind that you can compartmentalize the areas of your life, but find constantly that you cannot.

I was just looking at the polling results for "how do you choose your skincare" and find that someone checked that they use their intuition. Brilliant!

There is no escaping it, if you're tuned into that channel. And it would be my hope that you are always, always tuned into your Inner Channel.

There are several methods for physically testing what your Intuition would have to say about a product or a food or whatever thing in the physical world you are contemplating. One method of course if muscle testing, which is really (I think) hard to do on yourself. When I go to the chiropractor, she has me hold a product then checks my up lifted arm for strength or weakness. If it's strong and firm, it's good for me. If it falls down weakly, it's not for me.

The method one can use on your own is to simply hold the product in both hands, close your eyes and see if your body leans forward, backward or sided to side. Forward leaning indicates your body wants it; backward is a no; and side to side results indicate that something in it is desired and something in it is not.

Of course these are methods used if you don't trust your Intuition, your knowing, yet. But keep practicing and cultivating it until you do.

You simply can't separate out good skincare from your Self. It's an integrated system. And always your Intuition or Self is whispering to you what you need and guiding your always towards your GOOD.

Ever stood at the refrigerator door looking for "something". You go through the frig: hamburger, no; apple, no; eggs, that sounds good. Well, that's it. That's your Inner Self telling you what it needs and wants. Oddly, sometimes it's the potato chip or milk shake.

Your Inner Self is not in sync with the mental labels we're conditioned to think about things. Eggs for example. The "world" would have you limit your consumption of eggs for cholesterol reasons, fear. But you Body, your Knowing, has no idea of that human construct and guides you to use, consume what it Knows to be good for it. It does not fail; it cannot lie. But usually what happens if we consume that egg is the internal conflict, thus pretty much negating the benefits of that egg.

Once you learn to trust your Knowing, the inner conflict goes away. That is to say, once you shift your "authority" from "out there" to "in here", you are at peace with your Self and usually quite healthy and happy.

In all this discussion about honest skincare, of course, the "honest" part is with you ultimately.
I can only speak for me. My body likes pure. My body thrives on pure. My body delights in pure. So that's what I use, that's what I enjoy, that's where I thrive.

But I also believe that most bodies do. Why? Because they are alive and organic organisms. And like loves like. And more, in the "aliveness" is Quality. Quality, to my mind, being a noun, here.
The more Quality in a substance, the more our bodies and beingness respond with joy because that's who we really are: Quality.

Thanks for reading!


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