Saturday, October 18, 2008

Antibacterial Handsoaps - NO NO NO

Hello Everyone,

In past blogs I have talked about your immune system at great length as the key to health. Today I want to talk to you about antibacterial hand soaps. There are two reasons why you should not use them.

#1. They contain toxins, chemicals like pesticides to kill bacteria and are dangerous to humans

#2. You body needs the "exercise" in coming in contact with bacteria, so as to build the immunity to fight them. All you really need to do is "remove" the bacteria from your skin by simple washing and rinsing.

The main ingredient in most liquid soaps on store shelves is triclosan, a pesticide that kills bacteria. Studies show that antibacterial soaps aren't more effective at preventing illness or removing germs than good old-fashioned soap and water.

In fact, antibacterial soaps do more harm than good. It's overkill to use them. Once again manufacturers prey on your "fears" and tell you that you have to have this to be safe. Nonsense. You don't need to be putting pesticides on your hands which touch your face and other people. Pesticides are just that = they kill pests, bugs, bacteria and people. They are poisons.

It is speculated that triclosan may contribute to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It's also present in human bodies and breast milk, as well as in streams. The Environmental Working Group says triclosan has been linked to developmental defects, liver toxicity, and cancer in lab studies. It also may affect thyroid and other hormones that are crucial to normal development.

The best thing you can do is avoid soaps that claim to be "antibacterial." A quick read of the label will tell you if triclosan or triclocarban (a similar compound more commonly used in bar soaps) are active ingredients. Don't use them.

Of course, One Group's Liquid Hand Soap is triclosan-free.

  • Liquid Hand Soap

  • 250ml/8.5 fl.oz.
  • Description

    A beautiful certified organic liquid soap for the bathroom. Concentrated and economical with a luxurious, rich, creamy lather. Enriched with extra virgin coconut oil to leave the skin soft and moisturised. Naturally free of synthetic chemicals and detergents. Contains purifying and cleansing organic lemon myrtle essential oil.

  • To order go to

Monday, October 6, 2008

Organic Matters

Hello Everyone,

Since I'm an organic grower for the County of San Diego in herbs and garlic, I get a lot of neat stuff sent to me. The one I want to tell you about today is the Ecological Farming Association. Their website is They are in Watsonville, CA; and they are 29 years old. They've been around for awhile.

"The Ecological Farming Association is dedicated to the development of ecologically-based food systems, both domestically and throughout the world by educating farmers, the agriculture industry and other stewards of the land about practical and economically viable techniques of ecological agriculture informing consumers and policy makers about ecological food production and its connection to the health of people and communities, and promoting alliances between individuals and organizations who share our vision of a transformed global food system."

This is taken from the most recent newsletter directly.

In the course of my blogs, I have come to teach you that your healthy skin, your general health, and the health of everything around is all starts with our food supply. This is an issue of concern to everyone, finally, across political lines, race, socio-economic status and even religion.

This would be a great organization in which to throw in your lot. January 21-24, 2009 there will be a huge conference called Eco-Farm 2009. It will be held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California. Not only is Asilomar a wonderful place to visit, a great destination spot, but you'll get some REAL GOOD information and meet lots of great folks.

Focusing ourselves on what we want, not what is, is how we will get what we want.

Thanks for reading!
