Monday, December 31, 2007

Discover Your Fountain of Youth

Hello Everyone!

Well, it's a New Year - again! Yikes!
And we all know what that means...another year older. Earth years, anyway. What a concept to understand that we all get older and then accept that for yourself. Yuck! Not their versions, anyway!

So I'm thinking that making peace with that would be a good thing to achieve in the New Year!

So, here's a concept to work with in 2008: ageless and timeless; beautiful and radiant; love(ly) inside and out.

Ageless and timeless:
I hear people all over the place talking like this, "when you get to be a certain age," or "at our age," or "when you're young", or any other variation of this limiting theme.

It pretty much used to make me furious. Like I was doomed to their experiences (all bad) of achieving their age.

Well first of all achieving another year is a blessing, to be sure. I get to be here! I get to love! I get to create something new! I get to have adventures! I get to choose again and again! So I resolved to celebrate achieving another year, because I get to be here and be alive!

But I don't have to accept any label about the number of my years. I don't have to accept that if I'm a teenager, then I have no wisdom. Bah!

I don't have to accept that if I'm approaching middle age, I start to shrink and wrinkle like an apple. Those ideas are "their" concepts of life, not mine.

So I started constructing my working concept of achieving another year. It's WELL. It's ageless and timeless. It's gorgeous, sexy,vital and wise no matter what the year's number says.

I get to write my own book on how that looks and feels for me.

And so do you!!!

Believing in yourSelf is step one of this beauty regime. Knowing how lovely You Really Are, and subsequently adoring, loving and championing yourSelf.

So, try this on for your New Year's Resolution: Fall in Love with YourSELF. Have you ever noticed how beautiful someone is when they're in love? It's the magic potion, the fountain of youth, and the healing exlir.

Love ThySelf first.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for Reading!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Tangled Web - The Trail of Wellness

Good Day Everyone:

You know, little did I know when I found myself growing my own herbs and formulating my own skin care potions that there was a "movement" going on out there. Yikes!

It is simply impossible to separate good, honest skincare from good health, which leads us to toxins, which leads us to organics, which leads us to industrial gardening, which leads us to ....good grief!

Ok. I have always thought good health or good anything was and is pretty much a matter of "common sense."
I could be the last of the breed. But I don't think so, rather I think that having common sense is a species that neared extinction and is now being resurrected.

There is a marvelous book out there (see link above) called the 100 Year Lie. But I even hate to refer you to this as your authority, when in the end, it is your own Inner Guidance and Common Sense that should be and IS your own authority.

Further, I really am not inclined to stir up your "fear" factors. Decisions and reactions made from fear are always a downward spiral into nothing good. So. I can explain to you that when I make decisions about what I consume, it is because it feels GOOD to me, as it should for you. That is a well decision.

I am surprised as heck that "Going Green" is now politic. I cannot remember a time when I was not "green" at least as much as was possible in the market place, which is why I started concocting my own herbal potions. Just because it felt better and growing things is a whole lot of fun.

So I'm not going to motivate anyone out of fear. Period. If you look around you, observe things that are displeasing or alarming to you in others or even yourself with respect to health care or potions or ointments or your food; well, then, LISTEN UP!

If you can begin to eliminate synthetic chemicals from your own consumption in anyway, shape or form: food, skin care, air, soil, clothing, medicines: well, take responsibility and go for it. I call it "picking your poison."

But the most important single thing that you can begin doing is trusting yourSelf as your own authority; not "them". Them could be anyone: parents, friends, government agencies, corporate spokespersons - you have to be the one to "feel" the correctness of whatever concerns you, for you.

How does this figure into Honest Skincare? In an early post I found myself unable to compartmentalize all the information. It's all interconnected. So I began trying to give you straight information about skincare and find that I cannot compartmentalize it from your food, your environment, politics, but you are the ultimate decision maker for you.

When I was a little girl I remember DuPont coming out with their ad campaign of "Better Living Through Chemistry." I can recall the question mark feeling inside myself even then. It wasn't fear, it was simply - "Hmm, we'll see about that...." kinda thing.

At the same time I believe and trust in the inherent wisdom of the human body and its resiliency and desire to be in its normal state of wellness. So if you are afraid of becoming sick, you will become sick; therefore I don't want to and will not motivate you from a fear basis. Fear Not. But rather, move always towards what feels better, what feels good, what feels right, what feels true. And as you do this, you will notice that the decisions keep changing and ultimately get easier. What once felt right, doesn't have the same correctness now. So, you choose again, and again, and again.

One thing I will say is that American is waking up from a long slumber of giving away personal power to "other" authorities. When you find yourself stepping into the world of alternative medicines, supplements, cleansing programs, organic foods, you will find the old habit still operating - trusting someone else's authority on a subject rather than your own. The Lemming Response, I call it. But don't give up on yourself. The correctness of a pill, a powder, a potion or a lotion for you, lies within You. You can feel it. And it may only be correct for awhile, and then you move on, change and choose again.

Exercise because the activity feels wonderful. I personally hate the formal "gym" and all the machines involved. I would rather swim, haul firewood, garden or build a rock wall. Dancing! Now there's my kind of exercise, where I don't even notice that I'm exercising. It's painless, it's fun and, by the way, I moved my body.

Eat what FEELS lovely to you. Be involved with the process of growing, cooking and really tasting your food. Does it taste divine? Do you even remember what you ate? Did you listen to your body and what it was asking for? Are you consuming via rote, habit and no-thought?

Take your "treatments" where they feel correct and good. Does your mind tell you that massage is for sissy's or a complete indulgence or certainly not for real men? A waste of money? Challenge your thoughts. To feel good is our right. To feel stressed is what we have come to accept, and it is making us sick.

Sniff out your trail of wellness for yourself. YourSelf will guide you, if you but listen to It.

Meanwhile here's a site to get unbiased "news" for your mind to chew on.
Your intuition doesn't need the news, but alas, your head loves this stuff.

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Intuition and Skincare

Hello Everyone,

I keep thinking with my human mind that you can compartmentalize the areas of your life, but find constantly that you cannot.

I was just looking at the polling results for "how do you choose your skincare" and find that someone checked that they use their intuition. Brilliant!

There is no escaping it, if you're tuned into that channel. And it would be my hope that you are always, always tuned into your Inner Channel.

There are several methods for physically testing what your Intuition would have to say about a product or a food or whatever thing in the physical world you are contemplating. One method of course if muscle testing, which is really (I think) hard to do on yourself. When I go to the chiropractor, she has me hold a product then checks my up lifted arm for strength or weakness. If it's strong and firm, it's good for me. If it falls down weakly, it's not for me.

The method one can use on your own is to simply hold the product in both hands, close your eyes and see if your body leans forward, backward or sided to side. Forward leaning indicates your body wants it; backward is a no; and side to side results indicate that something in it is desired and something in it is not.

Of course these are methods used if you don't trust your Intuition, your knowing, yet. But keep practicing and cultivating it until you do.

You simply can't separate out good skincare from your Self. It's an integrated system. And always your Intuition or Self is whispering to you what you need and guiding your always towards your GOOD.

Ever stood at the refrigerator door looking for "something". You go through the frig: hamburger, no; apple, no; eggs, that sounds good. Well, that's it. That's your Inner Self telling you what it needs and wants. Oddly, sometimes it's the potato chip or milk shake.

Your Inner Self is not in sync with the mental labels we're conditioned to think about things. Eggs for example. The "world" would have you limit your consumption of eggs for cholesterol reasons, fear. But you Body, your Knowing, has no idea of that human construct and guides you to use, consume what it Knows to be good for it. It does not fail; it cannot lie. But usually what happens if we consume that egg is the internal conflict, thus pretty much negating the benefits of that egg.

Once you learn to trust your Knowing, the inner conflict goes away. That is to say, once you shift your "authority" from "out there" to "in here", you are at peace with your Self and usually quite healthy and happy.

In all this discussion about honest skincare, of course, the "honest" part is with you ultimately.
I can only speak for me. My body likes pure. My body thrives on pure. My body delights in pure. So that's what I use, that's what I enjoy, that's where I thrive.

But I also believe that most bodies do. Why? Because they are alive and organic organisms. And like loves like. And more, in the "aliveness" is Quality. Quality, to my mind, being a noun, here.
The more Quality in a substance, the more our bodies and beingness respond with joy because that's who we really are: Quality.

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Potent Herbs, Health and You

Good Day Everyone,

I'm on a kick....just finished reading my favorite author, Barbara Kingsolver's newest book, Animal, Vegetable and Miracle.

I am a writer, as well, but Barbara Kingsolver is the master. She has such a way with her words.
In this book you can learn a bunch, laugh out loud and be inspired to change your life. The journey is about how they moved to Appalachia to the family farm to eat locally for one year.

In the book Kingsolver describes how and why organically grown food is up to 60% more nutritious than commercially and industrially grown food. It's because the plant has to build up it's resistance and fight off bugs and infections. In the course of this "struggling" it builds up character in the form of high nutrition and antioxidants.

Kingsolver is a biologist, yet tells her story in lyrical ways and you hardly know you're learning something profound. No you don't have to smear blueberries on your face, but definitely eat them in season and freeze some or can some for eating later in the year.

Honest Skincare is about the honest naked truth. And the Truth is that the food we eat from the grocery story is largely produced by genetically modified seed and in worn out ground and replete with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, non of which is good for the plant or the human.

Recently (within the last year) I have been conducting my own personal research on the subject of compromised immune systems. Why? Because people all around me, including myself, have been dealing with compromised immune systems. This startles me because most of the folks I know still really "cook" dinner, don't eat fast foods or junk foods, and pay attention. So I started my sleuthing and it seems (although the final results are still not in) that it all points to our food.

If you want a healthy body, lovely skin, you must start with the nutrition that used to come potently and naturally in the foods we eat. In like if you are using "organic" skin care, then you MUST be certain that it is CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Certified Organic will insure that the plants or herbs are NOT genetically modified and that they are potent and the life force in them viable and available to feed your skin, your body, your hair, your teeth.

Buy now, the Quality you deserve. If not, buy later - the medical bills to fix it.
Quality is a says Life. You get to choose.

Thanks for reading,
