Hello Everyone,
Things are creepy. Americans had better wise up and wise up fast.
Check out this article in yesterday's New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/22/health/policy/22spinach.html?ref=us
The FDA is now going to allow "some" food to be irradiated. First let's start at the beginning.
What is irradiation? Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation in order to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in the food. Further applications include sprout inhibition, delay of ripening, increase of juice yield, and improvement of re-hydration. Irradiation is a more general term of deliberate exposure of materials to radiation to achieve a technical goal (in this context 'ionizing radiation' is implied.
The genuine effect of processing food by ionizing radiation relates to damages to the DNA, the basic genetic information for life. Microorganisms can no longer proliferate and continue their malignant or pathogen activities. Spoilage-causing micro-organisms cannot continue their activities. Insects do not survive or become incapable of proliferation. Plants cannot continue the natural ripening or aging process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_irradiation
Basically, the method kills bugs. But if it kills a living thing, a pathogen, then it also kills non pathogens, like probiotics...the good bugs. It can also alter the food itself, meaning, the nutrition contained in the plants known as phytonutrients.
What are phytonutrients?
According to Wikipedia: "Phytonutrients" refer to phytochemicals or compounds that come from edible plants.There is evidence from laboratory studies that phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer, possibly due to dietary fibers, polyphenol antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. Specific phytochemicals, such as fermentable dietary fibers, meet significant scientific agreement to be allowed limited health claims by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[1]
Phytochemicals have been used as drugs for millennia. For example, Hippocrates may have prescribed willow tree leaves to abate fever. Salicin, having anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, was originally extracted from the white willow tree and later synthetically produced to become the staple over-the-counter drug called Aspirin.
An important cancer drug, Taxol (paclitaxel), is a phytochemical initially extracted and purified from the Pacific yew tree.
Among edible plants with health promoting phytochemicals, diindolylmethane, from Brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts) is currently used as a treatment for recurring respiratory papillomatosis tumors (caused by the human papilloma virus), is in Phase III clinical trials for cervical dysplasia (a precancerous condition caused by the human papilloma virus) and is in clinical trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute of the United States for a variety of cancers (breast, prostate, lung, colon, and cervical). The compound is being studied for anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties through a variety of pathways and has been shown to synergize with Taxol in its anti-cancer properties, making it a possible anti-cancer phytochemical as taxol resistance is a major problem for cancer patients.
Basically, phytonutrients are the healing properties in plants, spinach to rosemary. Herbs.
To subject alive material to the irradiation process is like spraying DDT on the corn. It killed everything, even the beneficial bugs.
If we are only to eat irradiated foods, we will be stripped of the medicinal properties in the foods.
Why would the FDA allow such measures. Not enough people die per annum from E Coli or Salmonella poisoning to even merit this measure. Could it be that the more food we eat that has no natural protection properties in it, the more we all get sick and need pharmceutical drugs?
Folks, this is serious business.
Already the food supply is sub nutritious because it is raised by industrial agriculture that uses pesticides and artificial fertilizers. These methods have been PROVEN to create food that has up to 60% less nutrition available to us than organically grown and raised foods. Now they want to irradiate it, stripping it of the most essential propertities that protect us from other diseases.
You might like to listen to a podcast from Natural News, the Health Ranger, Mike Adams:
When we are preoccupied as a people with our health, we can certainly not be available for making conscious and aware decisions as good citizens. Who would want us so debilitated.
Wake UP America. Write you Congressmen, Senators and speak up. They are not taking good care of us as a people. It is up to us. And you'd best pay very close attention when you're voting in November. Who do you think cares about you, and not his pocket book and cronies?
Thanks for reading!
Friday, August 22, 2008
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