Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What If...

Good Day Everyone!

Well big OOPS!

Last Saturday I was writing my other blog and got sidetracked with a phone call. When I came back to the blog, the cyber faeries had great fun with me and published that blog to this one. I have no idea how that happened, but there it is ! And there it will stay.

I not only talk about good health, organics, and beautiful skin, but my passion is Applied Spirituality, which is a subject of my own creation. You can read my blog, A New View at or if you feel like you'd like to read my book or (coming soon) take a class, you can visit my website at Looks like I've blown my cover.

But it must be Freudian, because increasingly as I write this skin care blog, I've gotten further from the topic of topical skin care with each blog. I couldn't help it.

When I was a little girl, my folks had fixed up our basement in Ohio into a party room. They would have guests over and entertain there. I remember peeking to see them dancing and snacking, and playing records. One of those records was Tennessee Ernie Ford singing, The Shin Bone's Connected to the Knee Bone...and so on.

Well good skin is a lot like that. It's all connected. And fundamentally you cannot have great skin if you aren't healthy; and if you don't put quality fuel into the engine you can't have good health and finally....the subject I've skirted around for months...if you don't feel the Well Being inside, you probably have poor health and icky skin as well.

Beauty truly does come from the inside out at any age. All of it, every single bit of it, begins with how you feel inside. Of all the subjects we have feelings about, the single ruling subject is of course, our own self esteem. How well do you think of you? Are you your best friend, faithful and loyal and loving no matter what?

I was going to ask, "When oh when in America did we start paying attention to the surface rather than the essence of things?" Then up popped Twiggy in my head. Some of you might not remember her, but I was a girl when she became the first famous fashion model rather than a pinup girl. What was significant was that she was so skinny, like a twig...hence her name.

This media event seemed to tell all of us that we were "wrong". Well, especially such as myself from voluptuous peasant stock. Breasts were definitely OUT. Oh where oh where did Jane Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe go?

But it seems to me that from that point on in America, we were lost in the spiral downward into the importance of external appearances to the exclusion of the inner value. We took external appearances so far that we starve ourselves, we are bulimic, anorexic and we don't even care if there are toxins in our skin care products, just so we can be forever young and beautiful on the outside. For God sake, we even cut ourselves for beauty.

Europeans didn't take it so far. Good skin care has come out of Europe for decades but with a moderation that seems to have escaped America. And the organic skin care movement did not begin here, but rather in Australia.

How do I figure that? Just look at BBC television. Their idea of a starlet is not our idea of a starlet. They have "real" women in starring roles. Look at Kate Winslett as only one example. She is feminine and soft and curvy...and natural.

From the time of Twiggy on we have been assaulted by media campaigns from the cosmetics industry, fashion industry and drug industry to sell us the latest image (which is certainly not who you or I are). They tell us what we should and must aspire to in order to be acceptable, trendy, beautiful, sexy, lovely, and desired. Now, how would "they" know?


So, when I talk to you about your health and beauty, I cannot stop with the surface applications and the food you eat. We have to address how you feel about yourself, which really ought to have come first. So I apologize. But funny, no one comes to the core except from the outside (which gets your attention) and then, maybe then, they start the journey inward to rediscover the lovely Core.

The other day I was tossing some ideas around in my head as I was digging in my garden and up popped this one single thought that is worth some time to chew on. It was this:

What if that thing you hate about yourself is actually your truest blessing, highest virtue, most solid strength, and most rich talent of all? It could be anything about yourself...your nose, your butt, your sensitivity...doesn't matter what, except that right now you think it's the noose around your neck. It's the ONE thing that, if you could change it, would make everything about your life better....

Now here's your assignment: What if...just what if...that one thing you hate most about yourself were really your blessing of all blessings... If you could re-view it, change your mind about it; see it differently....

Well, how would that change your life?

Let me hear from you on this one. This is important.

Next blog I'll give you my progress on following the Women To Women program.

Thanks for reading!


PS. You realize, of course, that I was asking myself this question at the time, right?

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