Monday, September 24, 2007

The Whole View of Skin Care

Hello Everyone,

Since we're just getting started in this blog, I feel it's important to discuss our internal state of affairs and its importance to beautiful, healthy skin.

You can't consume things of little quality and expect to produce quality. It just doesn't work that way. There are laws that operate in Nature; the principle Law being that of Attraction. Like attracts like. So when you understand this in one area, you can apply to all arenas. Beauty attracts beauty, love attracts love, goodness attracts goodness, health attracts where to begin?

The fundamental step in any beauty regimen is to see and feel yourself as beautiful, lovely, unique and valuable. No matter what your eyes are seeing. So the foundation is to begin valuing yourself just as you are. I have lovely eyes. I love the tilt of my chin. I think my dimples are cute. I love the freckles on my nose. I love the color of my skin. If you don't, you have to start changing the way you see yourself from critical and wanting, to appreciative and having. So I want you to start today to appreciate that skin, those eyes, that nose, that whole body. Love it, adore it, cherish it. And if you can't get to that place, begin where you are and grow that love and adoration of yourself daily.

Stop criticizing yourself. If you notice something you want to improve, then you have to immediately find something you love. Tit for Tat. And then as the days go by, grow the appreciation list and diminish the critical list. This you must do, for the vibration of who you are emanates from within outward. You've all seen the pretty girl with the cruel look. You've all seen the old woman with the twinkle in her eye. You are the one who determines by your internal state how you appear in the physical. I cannot be any other way.

Skin care treatments are topical. They address the physical only. We use them to support the physicality whilst we put into place the mindset that maintains a healthy, vibrant, vital and youthful countenance. Skin care is also fun and nurturing. I find the daily ablutions that I perform are times I cherish. I am with Me. I am loving this face, this body and spending time appreciating it. The whole process nourishes me body, mind and spirit. I feel well about me. I love performing it for me. It gives me the time to focus on how much I appreciate this body and how I love it.

Your spirit flows through you from within to without. The degree that it flows unrestricted by stress, negative thoughts, doubt, worry, hate, the degree that your Spirit will nourish and feed each and every cell of your body. And health is your natural state of beingness.

In Western Culture we are returning to these Truths, slowly but surely. If you want to look 30 but you're 60, is that about regret for a life yet unlived? If so, change that and start living the life you want to live. Can you see how gorgeous someone is at 50-60-79? Cultivate that...seeing the beauty everywhere and in everyone. When you can do this, you are seeing the divinity in all things and all people. Living in that internal state will transform your external countenance.

Appreciate this life and every single minute of it. No moment wasted. You're exactly where you are supposed to be, and headed where you want to go - in joy and adventure. It ain't over, and it's never over. There's always time and it's right now. The best potion for beauty is to love, so go out there and love!

Skin care begins within. Check out my website and my blog

Believe as a child, it is so. You already are beautiful.

Thanks for reading!


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