Friday, September 28, 2007


hello Everyone!

Lately I am encountering people with rosacea. I had no idea it was something more than a red face or a tendency to blush or flush. I found a website (see link) which is full of information. What I will try to do here is summarize what I learned for you.

Rosacea is first and foremost a systemic problem that manifests in the symptoms of rosacea.
Oddly, this is coming up more and more. The links to too much sugar, phony sugars, acidic foods, poor digestion and elimination. The body is attempting to cope with an overload of the wrong acidic factors from too many of these foods: breads, starches, alcohol and phony sugars.

My friend had a severe case of skin cancer. She went to a holistic MD who immediately put her on a diet to change the PH of her system. She followed it religiously for approximately 8 months. At the end of that time her skin cancers were gone. So there definitely is something to this. Add in the element of not enough pure water intake and simply moving about, exercising, walking. The body is a finely tuned system that certainly can take quite a bit of abuse, but there is the point where it cannot keep up with the constant drip, drip, drip of toxins we consume. I am convinced that a wholesome diet of organic foods is essential, as well as using only organic products eliminates much of the overload that the body tries to endure.

My grandmother lived to be 90 years old. Here death certificate said "natural causes". True enough. She was of solid peasant stock from Serbia. She worked hard, physically all her life. She dug in the garden, cleaned the house every Friday like the priest was coming for an inspection. She threw herself mightily into all her projects, especially cooking. She made strudel from scratch, as well as raised donuts and stuffed peppers. The difference in her day? The foods were not toxic. Her doctor constantly chastised her to lose 25-30 pounds. He died at 65. In her day people were not so sedentary, the foods were whole and pure. They enjoyed their food and their work.

My point? Joy (the absolute lack of stress) is an element critical to physical well being as well as and obviously emotional well being. I used to work with my Gram in the garden, and she loved the small things, enjoying the whole of just being there. The smell of the earth, the green of the plants, the beauty of the flowers. She was always wholly engaged in the activity and not worrying about something future or past. She lived right now. No stress. No anxiety. Couple this internal state with wholesome foods, nothing every packaged or fast have the recipe for a healthy body and a good life.

Back to rosacea. Start with a good digestive system, which starts with wholesome, whole foods in balance. Leave off the white breads and go easy on the starches, alcohol and absolutely eliminate anything chemical (sugars and oils) from your diet. Enjoy the goodness of pure foods.
Walk about. Stretch and exercise your body and feel how good it feels to be in that body. Taste the goodness of pure water. What you're aiming for here is to get your body system back to alkaline rather than acid. Eat fresh vegetables, yogurt with live cultures, give thanks for such abundance and goodness.

My thinking is that roacea is a first road sign that your system if out of balance and in need of attention. Attention now avoids more serious dis-ease later.

One Group makes several products that can help internally and externally. Internally is In Liven a probiotic (good bacteria) food supplement that is 100% certified organic; and when taken daily restores the natural flora and fauna within the digestive track that can help process sugars and carbohydrates and proteins and move them on out of the system easily and elegantly. In conjunction is Berry Radical Antioxidant, a superfood that is also 100% certified organic. When taken daily gives you the necessary dietary requirements to combat free radicals that cause havoc in the body. And topically, together with their 100% certified organic skin care system is their Miessence Couperose Serum which works topically together with the internal treatments. The System taken as a system works beautifully.

I told you this would be a place for honest information about good skin care. It includes the whole package of you: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. The "symptoms" of anything are the symptoms of dis-ease that is to say, unease and imbalance. I'm devoted to your becoming beautifully in balance from the inside out.

Thanks for reading!


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