Friday, September 12, 2008

Nonstick Cookware: No Way Baby!

Hello All,

Today, just cruising through my e-mails I received my daily newsletter from Now Mike Adams, the self anointed Health Ranger, can sometimes be something of a zealot, however, today he reports that what I suspected all along, is true. Using nonstick cookware is no good for you.

You know, when I was growing up these selections weren't available, or if they were, we didn't have them in our household. My father worked for Republic Steel, so my Gram and Mom always cooked in stainless steel cookware. So when we girls were setting up our homes, I am quite sure we all used stainless steel Revere Ware. There are many more companies on the market that sell quality stainless steel cookware, so go shopping right NOW.

When I was helping my two boys set up their homes, I insisted on stainless steel. They both laughed at me, but all I could tell them is it just doesn't feel right. That it was some type of chemical coating and that when heat was applied had to impart those chemicals into the food.

Turns out I'm right. But the cause for celebration is this: it was my Intuition, my KNOWING, that I followed. The point here is, everyone has the same Knowing, if you're paying attention.
You might experience it as strongly as revulsion, or just a 'na, I don't think so.' But whatever it is listen up!

For more research, if you're still not convinced:

Oh, one more area where I had that same, "na, no thanks" response. When I was building my house here in the mountains, I had to dig a water well. The County required that we store water in above ground tanks for fire fighting. At that time there were plastic tanks (still are) available. The same feeling came to me about those. That in the hot sun, the plastic would impart the chemicals from the plastic into the water, just like it does with your plastic water bottles. Stop using plastic!!! Get yourself a nice stainless steel thermos (they have them at Starbucks for $24.95) and use that for your water supply.

The real point, folks, is to stop and think. Better living through chemistry is Not always the case. Use your Internal Guidance System, even if "they" say it's safe.

Thanks for reading!


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