Hello Everyone,
The blessings and curses of television, media and free speech. We have to be discerning and feel the correctness of information.
This topic bears repeating - the topic of fat in your diet. Contrary to popular belief and common thought (USDA, televisions and possibly your doctor), eating cholesterol is imperative and here's why.
First you have to understand that we are supposed to be eating a balanced diet of non processed whole foods. Shall I repeat that? Yeah, I think I will. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE EATING A BALANCED DIET OF NON PROCESSED WHOLE FOODS. There. I feel better. Oh, one more thing...WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MOVING OUR BODIES AROUND! IN ACTION!
Now, I feel even better. So did you get those two very critical points?
1. Eat a balanced diet of whole foods, preferably fresh, and NOT PROCESSED
2. Get out of your chair, off the couch, and move it!
Ok. Next to explain why you need to eat cholesterol and fat. (When the fashion industry and every girl magazine will have you eating air popped popcorn morning, noon, and night.)
The liver, your liver, is a triage station. After you've eaten and the nutrition from that meal enters the blood stream (via the portal vein), the liver takes a head count. It's job is to see that a steady stream of sugar is always going to the brain, and not too much. When sugar enters the portal vein, insulin is released. Insulin is a hormone. If you've just eaten all carbs, here's what happens. The liver interprets this as a "flood" of sugar and starts processing it into
If you don't need energy at that moment, your body checks to see if you need to store some glycogen. If your glycogen stores are full, then your body turns that excess sugar into cholesterol. Cholesterol is used by your body to build hormones, membranes and other structures like triglycerides, which are fatty acids used for energy or fat storage.
A normal body eating a healthy balanced diet produces the right amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides, essential for health. ESSENTIAL for health.
Now, if you're not consuming cholesterol and you're mostly consuming way too many carbohydrates or doing something else to stimulate insulin production artificially (alcohol, phony sugars, etc.), your body malfunctions.
Now your body sees the deprivation of cholesterol as a famine. When your body perceives this as a famine, insulin then activates an enzyme in your liver called HMG Co-A Reductase that will over-produce cholesterol from the carbohydrates you eat. This is the plaque that ends up in your arteries. When you starve the body of dietary cholesterol, forcing it to make its own cholesterol, it over produces.
The body always responds to the over stimulation of insulin levels by over producing cholesterol.
It doesn't matter how the insulin level gets over stimulated, this is what happens: plaque in your arteries. (The Schwartzbein Principle, Diana Schwartzbein, MD)
So you're much better off eating a breakfast that has an egg and buttered toast, than a bowl of cereal with skim milk.
Other benefits of fat in the diet? Luxuriant hair and nails. Supple and moist skin. Great bowel movements.
So, get that fat back into your diet. All kinds. Remember, we're supposed to be eating from the complete array of foods on this planet. I particularly like olive oil and avocados. And one more thing, if you eat some fat at every meal, you'll notice immediately that your meal has staying power in the energy department. You're not going to be looking for that Starbuck's coffee at 3 PM. Reach for a handful of almonds or a half an apple with a dollop of peanut butter on it.
Fat will not make you fat, but carbohydrates will.
Next blog entry will be more about fats, the good, the bad, and the Truth. All fats are not created equal.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Nonstick Cookware: No Way Baby!
Hello All,
Today, just cruising through my e-mails I received my daily newsletter from Naturalnews.com. Now Mike Adams, the self anointed Health Ranger, can sometimes be something of a zealot, however, today he reports that what I suspected all along, is true. Using nonstick cookware is no good for you.
You know, when I was growing up these selections weren't available, or if they were, we didn't have them in our household. My father worked for Republic Steel, so my Gram and Mom always cooked in stainless steel cookware. So when we girls were setting up our homes, I am quite sure we all used stainless steel Revere Ware. There are many more companies on the market that sell quality stainless steel cookware, so go shopping right NOW.
When I was helping my two boys set up their homes, I insisted on stainless steel. They both laughed at me, but all I could tell them is it just doesn't feel right. That it was some type of chemical coating and that when heat was applied had to impart those chemicals into the food.
Turns out I'm right. But the cause for celebration is this: it was my Intuition, my KNOWING, that I followed. The point here is, everyone has the same Knowing, if you're paying attention.
You might experience it as strongly as revulsion, or just a 'na, I don't think so.' But whatever it is listen up!
For more research, if you're still not convinced:
Oh, one more area where I had that same, "na, no thanks" response. When I was building my house here in the mountains, I had to dig a water well. The County required that we store water in above ground tanks for fire fighting. At that time there were plastic tanks (still are) available. The same feeling came to me about those. That in the hot sun, the plastic would impart the chemicals from the plastic into the water, just like it does with your plastic water bottles. Stop using plastic!!! Get yourself a nice stainless steel thermos (they have them at Starbucks for $24.95) and use that for your water supply.
The real point, folks, is to stop and think. Better living through chemistry is Not always the case. Use your Internal Guidance System, even if "they" say it's safe.
Thanks for reading!
Today, just cruising through my e-mails I received my daily newsletter from Naturalnews.com. Now Mike Adams, the self anointed Health Ranger, can sometimes be something of a zealot, however, today he reports that what I suspected all along, is true. Using nonstick cookware is no good for you.
You know, when I was growing up these selections weren't available, or if they were, we didn't have them in our household. My father worked for Republic Steel, so my Gram and Mom always cooked in stainless steel cookware. So when we girls were setting up our homes, I am quite sure we all used stainless steel Revere Ware. There are many more companies on the market that sell quality stainless steel cookware, so go shopping right NOW.
When I was helping my two boys set up their homes, I insisted on stainless steel. They both laughed at me, but all I could tell them is it just doesn't feel right. That it was some type of chemical coating and that when heat was applied had to impart those chemicals into the food.
Turns out I'm right. But the cause for celebration is this: it was my Intuition, my KNOWING, that I followed. The point here is, everyone has the same Knowing, if you're paying attention.
You might experience it as strongly as revulsion, or just a 'na, I don't think so.' But whatever it is listen up!
For more research, if you're still not convinced:
Oh, one more area where I had that same, "na, no thanks" response. When I was building my house here in the mountains, I had to dig a water well. The County required that we store water in above ground tanks for fire fighting. At that time there were plastic tanks (still are) available. The same feeling came to me about those. That in the hot sun, the plastic would impart the chemicals from the plastic into the water, just like it does with your plastic water bottles. Stop using plastic!!! Get yourself a nice stainless steel thermos (they have them at Starbucks for $24.95) and use that for your water supply.
The real point, folks, is to stop and think. Better living through chemistry is Not always the case. Use your Internal Guidance System, even if "they" say it's safe.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Recipe for Your Long and Healthy Life
Hello Everyone,
I'm reading a really wonderful book right now called, Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Harry Lodge, MD. Please check out their website at www.youngernextyear.com
If you read my other blog, www.appliedspirituality.blogspot.com, you already have a feeling that I believe that we are God and that God and science are one in the same, so I have little use for those pointless arguments of creationism vs. the big bang.
So, when I read something that supports "both", I get pretty excited. This book points to "both" without realizing it; or maybe they do. They are smart, crafty and really entertaining.
Chris is the "old guy" who tells his story on the backdrop of Dr. Lodge's evolutionary biology and "science". Together, they have created a really wonderful book that is fun and, I promise, will really motivate you to get up off your bum and take your life back.
Here's the 'science' of it so far: our biology goes back some 3.6 million years. At that point as you might imagine, the first humans were largely occupied in their daily hours with survival: running, fighting, fleeing and hunting food. This demanded a lot of their biology. As they "desired" something (more energy, swiftness, food, etc), Source responded to the biological requests and thus, this is the heritage of our bodies.
Obviously this world with cars, shopping malls and the internet does not conjer readily the image of "survival". Our bodies are not being used as we desired them into existence. There are substances that our bodies produce, specifically C6 and C10. These work hand in hand to keep renewing the body. The job of C6 is the demolition: it drips constantly into our systems to destroy the old, weak, or sickly cells to make room for the new ones. This is where C10 comes into do it's job.
But here's the kicker: C10 is not produced by the body unless it is mightily and strenuously exercised. When it is, however, C10 floods into the system like a Habit for Humanity team and rebuilds to specifications. C10 is NOT produced unless there is this giant exercise effort.
So, when you don't exercise all that is left is - C6 - steadily destroying, atrophying your body...drip, drip, drip. Not only do the muscles atrophy, but all the other signs of aging come with it: decrepitude, alzheimers, cancer, depression...and on and on...all the things we now go to the doctor for and get yet another perscription for.
Chris and Harry say we have to exercise hard 1 hour a day, six days a week. For Life. If we do this, 50% of all the decrepitude and sickness will be absolutely eliminated from our experience. I believe that. Because when you exercise, you get these wonderful endorphines flooding into your body that make you feel really good, and able to focus on whatever you choose.
They also say that we need to eat a reasonable diet. Well, no duh. Read my past blogs on Real Whole Foods if you want to know more.
And finally, and to me the Real Component: find a passion and have a commitment to it. This can be anything from civil rights to model trains, as long as it interests you, stimulates your mind and focuses your thoughts in a good and positive way.
Actually, all this is pretty much Good Common Sense, which lately seems not so common.
So, America, do you want to get off your mediations, live a long and happy life? Good. Get MOVIN'
Thanks for reading!
I'm reading a really wonderful book right now called, Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Harry Lodge, MD. Please check out their website at www.youngernextyear.com
If you read my other blog, www.appliedspirituality.blogspot.com, you already have a feeling that I believe that we are God and that God and science are one in the same, so I have little use for those pointless arguments of creationism vs. the big bang.
So, when I read something that supports "both", I get pretty excited. This book points to "both" without realizing it; or maybe they do. They are smart, crafty and really entertaining.
Chris is the "old guy" who tells his story on the backdrop of Dr. Lodge's evolutionary biology and "science". Together, they have created a really wonderful book that is fun and, I promise, will really motivate you to get up off your bum and take your life back.
Here's the 'science' of it so far: our biology goes back some 3.6 million years. At that point as you might imagine, the first humans were largely occupied in their daily hours with survival: running, fighting, fleeing and hunting food. This demanded a lot of their biology. As they "desired" something (more energy, swiftness, food, etc), Source responded to the biological requests and thus, this is the heritage of our bodies.
Obviously this world with cars, shopping malls and the internet does not conjer readily the image of "survival". Our bodies are not being used as we desired them into existence. There are substances that our bodies produce, specifically C6 and C10. These work hand in hand to keep renewing the body. The job of C6 is the demolition: it drips constantly into our systems to destroy the old, weak, or sickly cells to make room for the new ones. This is where C10 comes into do it's job.
But here's the kicker: C10 is not produced by the body unless it is mightily and strenuously exercised. When it is, however, C10 floods into the system like a Habit for Humanity team and rebuilds to specifications. C10 is NOT produced unless there is this giant exercise effort.
So, when you don't exercise all that is left is - C6 - steadily destroying, atrophying your body...drip, drip, drip. Not only do the muscles atrophy, but all the other signs of aging come with it: decrepitude, alzheimers, cancer, depression...and on and on...all the things we now go to the doctor for and get yet another perscription for.
Chris and Harry say we have to exercise hard 1 hour a day, six days a week. For Life. If we do this, 50% of all the decrepitude and sickness will be absolutely eliminated from our experience. I believe that. Because when you exercise, you get these wonderful endorphines flooding into your body that make you feel really good, and able to focus on whatever you choose.
They also say that we need to eat a reasonable diet. Well, no duh. Read my past blogs on Real Whole Foods if you want to know more.
And finally, and to me the Real Component: find a passion and have a commitment to it. This can be anything from civil rights to model trains, as long as it interests you, stimulates your mind and focuses your thoughts in a good and positive way.
Actually, all this is pretty much Good Common Sense, which lately seems not so common.
So, America, do you want to get off your mediations, live a long and happy life? Good. Get MOVIN'
Thanks for reading!
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