Last blog I spoke about the necessity of water for healthy skin and a healthy body. Today we're going to talk about sunlight.
Once again we're pushing against the tide here. The powers that be, principally the American Dermatological Association in conjunction with manufacturers of sunscreens would have you scared witless about your exposure to sunshine. Well, here's the True scoop: you need sunlight!!! And it's always better to get your vitamin D from a natural source than a synthetically manufactured pill. It's cheaper too, of course, since sunshine is free. You can go to the link provided and download the report for yourself.
The report is an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, MD. at Boston University School of Medicine.
His information is a result of his direct research.
In short, here's the information. In answer to the question why is Vitamin D so important?
"Every tissue and cell in the body requires vitamin D, not just bones and teeth. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the cause of many diseases such as cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and depression. It's critical to overall health. Many people are deficient, but at first the symptoms are subtle. After a time, they can develop bone pain, muscle pain and physical weakness. Often, they will end up being misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome," says Dr. Holick, author of The UV Advantage and director of the Bone Clinic at Boston University.
And you can't get too much of it, either!
Did you know that upwards of 42% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D? And even more serious is that upwards of 80% of seniors in America are Vitamin D deficient. I know that I personally know many people that complain of joint pain, muscle pain and fatigue accompanied by depression. These same folks get very little sunlight and if they do go into the sun, they're covered up and have sunblock slathered all over them.
You say you work in an office all day? Well take your 15 minute break and go OUTSIDE! And while you're at it, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go sit outside and feel the sunshine on your face, breathe deeply, smile at the birds and check out the flowers, then take the stairs back up to your office. You've given yourself a "health break" all the way 'round, including a mental break from what you were doing.
I've always been skeptical of sunscreens, simply because they are synthetic chemicals; and it seems even more dangerous to me to be applying a chemical to your skin and then add the heat of the sunshine to "cook" it into your absorption system. Just seems wrong to me, somehow. So, as you know, I have found that there are organic sunscreens for the same purpose which work as a reflectants with no synthetic chemicals.
However, Dr. Holick's studies prove that we absolutely require pure sunshine for optimal health - without a sunblock for prescribed periods. In his book there is a chart to help you regulate your direct skin exposures. For example, you might expose 6-10% of your body (face, hands, feet) for 20 minutes 3 times a week. Recently a friend of mine who is experiencing symptoms of MS was written a prescription by her homeopathic MD for sunshine at 20 minutes per day. She lives in Northern California.
Again, this seems to be another area where common sense has taken flight. I know how uncomfortable I feel in prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and I have an olive complexion. It used to be growing up in Ohio that I could be outside all day and only get slightly pink cheeks. Now I notice here in Southern California that after 15-20 minutes in direct sunlight, my skin begins to feel taught. I can feel it telling me, "Enough!"
In the summer when I'm gardening, I make every effort to be outside in the early morning, say from 7-9 am. After that, the sun is too hot, and I'm in for the day. If I still have more work to do in my garden, I wait until the evening hours. I rarely use a sunscreen, but when I have to, I use Miessence Reflect Outdoor Balm (see link coupled with a wonderful wide-brimmed floppy hat and a cool long-sleeved linen shirt and trousers.
Again, it's how does this feel to you? When it stops feeling good, it is time to stop. But you also have to pay attention to how you're feeling! You have to be aware and know when enough is enough. Listen to your internal guidance, it says "when" and so does your body.
Meanwhile, get out there and soak up one of the last remaining free things left: the sunshine. You might also want to get a copy of the UV Advantage, by Dr. Michael Holick to check out the sun exposure table he recommends for your skin type and longitude and latitude.
You may not be getting old, just not getting enough Vitamin D. Which begs the questions, perhaps that's why people "get old"....they stop playing in the sun!
Thanks for reading!
Hi.. really very interesting and informative blog.
Hi Sumi,
Thank you for your kind words. I try to sort the wheat from the chaf and give good information with a huge dose of common sense. Trust yourSelf. Kath
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