Hello Everyone,
I know, I know, I know. I'm supposed to be talking about your skin and aging and healthy personal care products.
Well, I am. And the more I read, the more I know that it all begins with what you're putting in your mouth! And on your skin.
Ok. Today discussion is based on the writings of Michael Pollan. I've just finished his latest book: In Defense of Food. Funny title you might think. Why would food need defending? Because so little Real food is available these days. Slowly and gradually over the last 30-40 years beginning with the industrialization of farming (movement from small local farms to large industrial farms), the food supply in America has been seriously altered by genetic modification, synthetic pesticides and herbicides. We now have really cheap food and we're all really sick. Well done indeed.
Now. Before I go any further, I don't deal in fear, so this is not to scare you, but to inform you.
I can't help but think than anyone over 40 has noticed that weird things have been appearing in food to the point that you might wonder if it is, indeed, Real food or "engineered food products".
Listening to Pollan's book today, he recites the ingredients in a loaf of Sara Lee White Bread. It's baffling. When I was growing up bread had: flour, yeast, eggs, milk, and salt. That's 5 whole ingredients. Just five. That's it. It took about 2-3 hours to make a batch of bread without a machine. And it was immensely pleasurable in the making, in the baking and in the eating.
This loaf of Sara Lee bread had about 36 ingredients in it, many of which, unless you were a chemist, you wouldn't be able to pronounce let alone be sure what it was.
What I don't understand is this: wouldn't you think 5 ingredients would be a lot less trouble and cost than "manufacturing" a loaf of bread? It hardly makes any sense to me.
Enough about the bread. The point is that so many things are going into "food products" that they can scarcely (and should not be) categorized as food any longer. Thanks of course to the FDA, they get away with it. These "engineered food products" are such that they have replaced and supplanted Real nutrition. And Real Nutrition can only be found in Real food.
You might ask why? Because anything whole, natural and Real from nature is complete as it was intended for it to be. Whilst the "engineered food products" are composites of single nutrients extracted and they added back in. It's kinda like a Real Whole Food is a winning Team. It has all the players in it that make it a great Team: the defense, the offense, the cheerleaders, the front office, the back office, the stadium, the whole package. And the sum of the parts (everybody involved) is greater than the individual parts. A single quarterback, for example, couldn't make a touchdown without the line and the blocking. But there wouldn't be a game if there were the owners and the stadium.) Oh, please let me stop with this football thing. But you get the picture.
Engineered Food Products are like taking one or two players and a couple of the seats from the stadium and putting those only into the product. All the synergies are lost. Maybe it's the cheerleaders that turn on the power of the lineman? Or perhaps it's the fans in the seats that trigger the owners. There are a zillion interactions in the chemistry of food that rely on the presence of the other nutrients. In Engineered Food Products, those critical interactions are lost, and therefore the nutrition is lost to our bodies.
How many extra supplements are you taking now to replace the missing nutrition that you're not getting from your food? And it takes a wide variety of foods to give you the wide variety of nutrition and synergies that your body (all of it, skin included) needs.
So here's some reading for you to do: In Defense of Food, The Omnivore's Dilemma; and the Biology of Desire. All three are written by Michael Pollan and I promise you no dry reads, either. He's entertaining and practical and wise all in one. He even suggest a way out of the tyranny of nutritionism (his word) and back to the enjoyment (ye gads) of food once again and restored health....and beauty. Truly a bold idea.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Fluoride: It's Poison
Good Day Everyone!
Today's topic is fluoride. I know we all grew up brushing with fluoridated toothpaste. Did you know that there's enough floride in one tube to kill a small child! And not only that, it's bad for your teeth. Sigh. What have they been selling us all these years? That better living through chemistry stuff.
Excerpts from Fluoride—What's Wrong With This Picture?
By Andreas Schuld - head of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC).
Fluoride, according to the 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th Edition (1984) is more poisonous than lead and just lightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is used as a rat poison. The EPA has set 0.015 ppm as the maximum “safe” level for lead in drinking water—yet the maximum “safe” level for fluoride is currently set at 4.0ppm, over 250 times the permissible level for lead.
Studies have shown that fluoride causes motor dysfunction, IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities in humans. Fluoride exposure impairs memory and concentration, and causes lethargy, headache, depression and confusion in humans. Interestingly, suicide occurs more frequently than expected in populations of fluoride workers.
In 1957 it was found that even waters containing a mere 0.1ppm (0.1 mg/l) could cause dental fluorosis, the first visible sign of fluoride overdose. Moreover, there is not one single double-blind study to indicate that fluoridation is effective in reducing cavities.
Dental fluorosis is a condition caused by an excessive intake of fluorides, characterised mainly by
mottling of the enamel (which starts as ”white spots"). Dental fluorosis can only occur during the stage of enamel formation and is therefore a sign that an overdose of fluoride has occurred in a child during that period. The dental profession describes the defect as merely “cosmetic."
What is now becoming apparent is that this “cosmetic" defect actually predisposes to tooth decay.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.
In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students, while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occurred in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.
Currently up to 80 percent of US children suffer from some degree of dental fluorosis, while in Canada the figure is up to 71 percent.
Before the push for fluoridation began, the dental profession recognized that fluorides were not
beneficial but detrimental to dental health. In 1944, the Journal of the American Dental Association reported: “With 1.6 to 4ppm fluoride in the water, 50 percent or more people past age 24 have false teeth because of fluoride damage to their own teeth."
The fluoride compound in “naturally" fluoridated waters is calcium fluoride. However, this is NOT the compound used to fluoridate water! Sodium fluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid are used in over 90 percent of fluoridation programs. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is a direct by-product of pollution scrubbers used in the phosphate fertilizer and aluminium industries.
Animal studies have revealed that hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluoride are much more toxic thancalcium fluoride.
Fluoride facts
1. The assertion that fluoride is good for teeth is a myth
2. Countries with the best dental health do not fluoridate drinking water
3. There is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child
European Fluoride facts:
1. 98% of Europe's drinking water is fluoridation-free
2. The fluoride added to Irish drinking water is toxic waste from the fertiliser industry
3. Less than 2% of Europe's population have fluoridated water.
4. Sweden banned fluoridation in 1971.
5. West Germany discontinued fluoridation in 1971.
6. Norway rejected fluoridation in 1975.
7. Holland banned fluoridation in 1976 and changed its constitution so that it could never again be introduced.
8. Denmark rejected fluoridation in 1977. The Minister for Environment stated, "no adequate studies had been carried out on the long term effect on human organ systems".
9. France rejected fluoridation in 1980. The Chief of Public Health declared it was too dangerous.
10. 25 out of 26 Councils in Northern Ireland have recently rejected fluoridation.
USA Fluoride Facts Since 1990 over 45 US cities have rejected fluoridation.
In 1990 forty US dentists brought a case against the American Dental Association contending that the Association purposefully shielded the public from data that links fluoride to genetic defects, cancer and other health problems.
All US fluoride toothpaste must carry a poisons symbol, with a warning to contact the nearest poisons unit if more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is swallowed.
In 1997 the Union of Government Scientists of the United States Environmental Protection Agency voted unanimously to co-sponsor a Californian initiative to ban fluoridation, stating "Our members review of the body of evidence over the last 11 years, including animal and human epidemiology studies, indicates a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation and cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment and bone pathology."
So there you have it. What to do? One Group in their Miessence Line of Certified Organic Personal Care Products offers a 100% natural with no synthetic chemical toothpaste that I can vouch for. It works. It tastes good. It whitens my teeth and I have no worries if someone should try to eat it.
Thanks for reading!
Today's topic is fluoride. I know we all grew up brushing with fluoridated toothpaste. Did you know that there's enough floride in one tube to kill a small child! And not only that, it's bad for your teeth. Sigh. What have they been selling us all these years? That better living through chemistry stuff.
Excerpts from Fluoride—What's Wrong With This Picture?
By Andreas Schuld - head of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC).
Fluoride, according to the 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th Edition (1984) is more poisonous than lead and just lightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is used as a rat poison. The EPA has set 0.015 ppm as the maximum “safe” level for lead in drinking water—yet the maximum “safe” level for fluoride is currently set at 4.0ppm, over 250 times the permissible level for lead.
Studies have shown that fluoride causes motor dysfunction, IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities in humans. Fluoride exposure impairs memory and concentration, and causes lethargy, headache, depression and confusion in humans. Interestingly, suicide occurs more frequently than expected in populations of fluoride workers.
In 1957 it was found that even waters containing a mere 0.1ppm (0.1 mg/l) could cause dental fluorosis, the first visible sign of fluoride overdose. Moreover, there is not one single double-blind study to indicate that fluoridation is effective in reducing cavities.
Dental fluorosis is a condition caused by an excessive intake of fluorides, characterised mainly by
mottling of the enamel (which starts as ”white spots"). Dental fluorosis can only occur during the stage of enamel formation and is therefore a sign that an overdose of fluoride has occurred in a child during that period. The dental profession describes the defect as merely “cosmetic."
What is now becoming apparent is that this “cosmetic" defect actually predisposes to tooth decay.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.
In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students, while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occurred in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.
Currently up to 80 percent of US children suffer from some degree of dental fluorosis, while in Canada the figure is up to 71 percent.
Before the push for fluoridation began, the dental profession recognized that fluorides were not
beneficial but detrimental to dental health. In 1944, the Journal of the American Dental Association reported: “With 1.6 to 4ppm fluoride in the water, 50 percent or more people past age 24 have false teeth because of fluoride damage to their own teeth."
The fluoride compound in “naturally" fluoridated waters is calcium fluoride. However, this is NOT the compound used to fluoridate water! Sodium fluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid are used in over 90 percent of fluoridation programs. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is a direct by-product of pollution scrubbers used in the phosphate fertilizer and aluminium industries.
Animal studies have revealed that hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluoride are much more toxic thancalcium fluoride.
Fluoride facts
1. The assertion that fluoride is good for teeth is a myth
2. Countries with the best dental health do not fluoridate drinking water
3. There is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child
European Fluoride facts:
1. 98% of Europe's drinking water is fluoridation-free
2. The fluoride added to Irish drinking water is toxic waste from the fertiliser industry
3. Less than 2% of Europe's population have fluoridated water.
4. Sweden banned fluoridation in 1971.
5. West Germany discontinued fluoridation in 1971.
6. Norway rejected fluoridation in 1975.
7. Holland banned fluoridation in 1976 and changed its constitution so that it could never again be introduced.
8. Denmark rejected fluoridation in 1977. The Minister for Environment stated, "no adequate studies had been carried out on the long term effect on human organ systems".
9. France rejected fluoridation in 1980. The Chief of Public Health declared it was too dangerous.
10. 25 out of 26 Councils in Northern Ireland have recently rejected fluoridation.
USA Fluoride Facts Since 1990 over 45 US cities have rejected fluoridation.
In 1990 forty US dentists brought a case against the American Dental Association contending that the Association purposefully shielded the public from data that links fluoride to genetic defects, cancer and other health problems.
All US fluoride toothpaste must carry a poisons symbol, with a warning to contact the nearest poisons unit if more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is swallowed.
In 1997 the Union of Government Scientists of the United States Environmental Protection Agency voted unanimously to co-sponsor a Californian initiative to ban fluoridation, stating "Our members review of the body of evidence over the last 11 years, including animal and human epidemiology studies, indicates a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation and cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment and bone pathology."
So there you have it. What to do? One Group in their Miessence Line of Certified Organic Personal Care Products offers a 100% natural with no synthetic chemical toothpaste that I can vouch for. It works. It tastes good. It whitens my teeth and I have no worries if someone should try to eat it.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, January 4, 2008
REnew Yourself!
Greetings Everyone!
A good day to be alive, yes? YES!
I love to report serendipitous events. So here's how today's blog came about. I was searching for a detox system to start the New Year off. So I wandered into Sprouts, a local health food store, and right inside the door was a display of "kits". Guess I'm not the only one?
I chose the organic one, of course, and having read all the whole herbs included, I threw it into the cart.
This morning I read the directions, but not only that, there was included a DVD in the kit. So I watched it and met Barbara Watson. This lady knows her stuff.
I am, by no means, a clinical nutritionist, a doctor, or herbalist. I am a lay person on all these counts. But I do have a background in science (premed and nursing); I do have an extensive background in herbs as a organic grower; and I have my intuition which functions perfectly.
For the past year I've been conducting a research project of my own regarding nutrition and auto immune diseases. It's been a very interesting and enlightening journey. One thing leads to the other as what you ask to know is answered.
My hypothesis has been that we are so toxic (exposed to and consume) that our immune systems are simple pooped out. They are gasping, "Enough!" It's what I call (see previous blog) the "Drip, Drip, Drip Syndrome".
Certainly there are "tolerable" amounts of any poison(s) that the body can adjust to, eliminate and transmute. But toxins in the water, food, air, skin care products, everywhere have caused American bodies to reach "critical mass" of sick.
Back to Barbara Watson. In her video she explains so clearly and simply how the body disposes of toxins (her 7 channels of waste elimination) and how we can support them back to health.
Further she describes a load of symptoms that in listening to them I can say almost everyone I know has those complaints.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It's primary functions are protection from external toxins and elimination through perspiration of internal toxins. So whenever you apply to your skin a product that contains mineral oil or other petroleum based product which blocks the pores from perspiration, you hinder a fundamental and primary function of toxin elimination.
Take Home #1 for Today: Go through absolutely every skin care, hair care, sun screen, lotion and potion in your cupboard and throw out anything with mineral oil or petroleum. This includes children's products! And get rid of anything that is a "deodorant" . Deodorants were designed to stop sweating. Instead, use a "deodorant" which has no synthetic chemicals in the formulations.
Barbara Watson talks about how toxins and a poor digestive/elimination system back up and have effects on the skin. She advocates probiotics as a daily supplement! These supplements such as InLiven and Fast Track by One Group are essential to daily INTERNAL cleansing.
Take Home #2 for today: Start today and eliminate as many toxins as you can from your own internal and external environment. How?
Stop using plastic to heat your food.
Get rid of your plastic water bottle and replace it with stainless steel or glass.
Eat/use/consume only organic products whenever possible. The strategy for today is "pick your poison". I personally love a lovely glass of wine. But I can drink organic milk, eat organic produce (or grow my own); I can insist on organic meat, chick, and wild raised fish.
All things affect everything else. The human body is a most miraculous "machine", but we are at "critical mass" of toxic.
Be critical about what's in the products you consume. Read the labels. Buy organic whenever possible and even better, certified organic if you can find it. You can send me an e-mail and I will send you the list of toxins that are in your skin care products.
Beauty beings as an inside job.
Thanks for reading!
A good day to be alive, yes? YES!
I love to report serendipitous events. So here's how today's blog came about. I was searching for a detox system to start the New Year off. So I wandered into Sprouts, a local health food store, and right inside the door was a display of "kits". Guess I'm not the only one?
I chose the organic one, of course, and having read all the whole herbs included, I threw it into the cart.
This morning I read the directions, but not only that, there was included a DVD in the kit. So I watched it and met Barbara Watson. This lady knows her stuff.
I am, by no means, a clinical nutritionist, a doctor, or herbalist. I am a lay person on all these counts. But I do have a background in science (premed and nursing); I do have an extensive background in herbs as a organic grower; and I have my intuition which functions perfectly.
For the past year I've been conducting a research project of my own regarding nutrition and auto immune diseases. It's been a very interesting and enlightening journey. One thing leads to the other as what you ask to know is answered.
My hypothesis has been that we are so toxic (exposed to and consume) that our immune systems are simple pooped out. They are gasping, "Enough!" It's what I call (see previous blog) the "Drip, Drip, Drip Syndrome".
Certainly there are "tolerable" amounts of any poison(s) that the body can adjust to, eliminate and transmute. But toxins in the water, food, air, skin care products, everywhere have caused American bodies to reach "critical mass" of sick.
Back to Barbara Watson. In her video she explains so clearly and simply how the body disposes of toxins (her 7 channels of waste elimination) and how we can support them back to health.
Further she describes a load of symptoms that in listening to them I can say almost everyone I know has those complaints.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It's primary functions are protection from external toxins and elimination through perspiration of internal toxins. So whenever you apply to your skin a product that contains mineral oil or other petroleum based product which blocks the pores from perspiration, you hinder a fundamental and primary function of toxin elimination.
Take Home #1 for Today: Go through absolutely every skin care, hair care, sun screen, lotion and potion in your cupboard and throw out anything with mineral oil or petroleum. This includes children's products! And get rid of anything that is a "deodorant" . Deodorants were designed to stop sweating. Instead, use a "deodorant" which has no synthetic chemicals in the formulations.
Barbara Watson talks about how toxins and a poor digestive/elimination system back up and have effects on the skin. She advocates probiotics as a daily supplement! These supplements such as InLiven and Fast Track by One Group are essential to daily INTERNAL cleansing.
Take Home #2 for today: Start today and eliminate as many toxins as you can from your own internal and external environment. How?
Stop using plastic to heat your food.
Get rid of your plastic water bottle and replace it with stainless steel or glass.
Eat/use/consume only organic products whenever possible. The strategy for today is "pick your poison". I personally love a lovely glass of wine. But I can drink organic milk, eat organic produce (or grow my own); I can insist on organic meat, chick, and wild raised fish.
All things affect everything else. The human body is a most miraculous "machine", but we are at "critical mass" of toxic.
Be critical about what's in the products you consume. Read the labels. Buy organic whenever possible and even better, certified organic if you can find it. You can send me an e-mail and I will send you the list of toxins that are in your skin care products.
Beauty beings as an inside job.
Thanks for reading!
Barbara Watson,
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