Sunday, November 4, 2007

Probiotics - What is THAT?

hello Everyone!

More and more we are seeing the "probiotics" entering the market place. I think probably that most of us are familiar with them in conjunction with yogurt or kefir. I am supplying a link ( so that you can read as much data as you heart desires first hand.

At the start here, let me lay the ground for this discussion. We're talking about skin care and health care; we are talking about the skin as an integral part of your overall health. You might like to treat the symptom, wrinkles, acne, sagging, whatever) but this blog is about treating the source of the problem, which is ill-health.

Aging is about years, not about health and beauty. So when I talk about your health, you can substitute beauty, skin, well being. Because you are a complete organism and you cannot separate one part from the other.

Having said that, we'll get on to the discussion of probiotics.

Basically in layman's terms, probiotics (for-life) vs. anti-biotics (against life) are a natural method of staying healthy. In other words, it is a built in system supplied to everyone at birth and is with you your entire life. Natural self-defense, and it works great.

The human body, much as we might not like to think of it in such a way, is a living breathing organism with bugs - good bugs!!! And it is these good bugs that help us digest food, eliminate waste, fend off "bad" bugs, and they are absolutely and utterly essential to a healthy organism - your body. Of course, your skin is another one of those organs that helps you eliminate wastes and toxins, as well. In fact, your skin is your largest organ. It lives and it breathes. It's your natural cooling system, it absorbs and protects. It's ingenious.

And you thought this blog was going to be fluff....well, it's not for the superficial. In order to have beautiful and healthy skin, your body has to eliminate the wastes and the toxins. These "pro-biotics" or good intestinal bugs are the lifeline to that.

There are many things in our modern culture that cause us to become imbalanced and therefore the good bugs get out numbered. The first thing that comes to mind is stress, and certainly none of us has any of that, right? Another huge offender to the good intestinal flora and fauna are antibiotics. While they might kill the infection in your foot or your bladder, they are also killing the intestinal flora and fauna that help you stay well. A common symptom among women is a vaginal yeast infection, telling you your bugs are out of balance.

Antibiotics, which are normally prescribed for acne and roseacea, actually run counter to your own body trying to regain balance by destroying the natural flora and fauna that would be assisting in eliminating toxins and waste products. What doesn't get eliminated, backs up not just in your colon, but in your skin and elsewhere.

So, it is imperative to keep that intestinal track in a probiotic favored state. There are many, many products on the market for this, and there is eating yogurt and drinking kefir. One of the ideas I would like to suggest here, is that you start to have a "feel" for how you're insides are doing. Pay attention. Your diet has everything to do with this balance and imbalance. I know that my body will tolerate about one glass of wine. Give it two and it is not happy. That's me. Check yourself and start noticing what you "feel" like.

If your probiotics are in balance and flourishing, you probably can drink milk, eat wheat, etc. The body is a miraculous device that adapts well, but when overloaded, struggles to compensate.

Now here's the really big news about probiotics. Probiotics are actually now being used as methods for treating acne and roseacea. After cleansing the skin, a probiotic is sprayed onto the face and afflicted areas restoring the good bugs, which eat the bad bugs. Now how cool is that?

Now wait, there's more....probiotics are now being used instead of disinfectants as cleaning products. Imagine this: you spray a probiotic on the toilet seat, on the kitchen counter, on the surfaces in the baby's, good bugs destroy the bad ones. That's the new method. The old one is to kill every bug in town, Hiroshima for bugs. How insane is that?

Let's get rid of these hand sanitizers, and disinfectants that actually diminish out body's ability to respond to bugs, and replace our cleaning supplies with probiotics.

If you want to be Pro-Life---here's the place to cast your vote.

I'm sure in the near future we are going to see many more applications for probiotics - perhaps in water sanitization? Where else? The sky is the limit.


Unknown said...

Check out WWW.ProBiotic-Lab.COM.
They are on the same page as you.
They also recomend after cleasing hands use a cocktail of healthy skin

Kath said...

Hi Ron,
Thanks so much for your comment!
The body, the world, is all in perfect balance. The body knows what to do, how to be well. It's elegant.
Kinda fun watching "science" figure that out. Kath

Anonymous said...

For a topcial skin care regime, take a look at

Kath said...

Thanks Anonymous for the tip. One Group in their Miessence Line of Certified Organic Skincare offers their Probiotic Skin Brightner, which I absolutely love. After the wash, then I spray the Probiotic Skin Brightner on and allow that to dry before I do the Conditioner and the Moisturizer. It works on all the skin, hands included. Probiotics are the wave of things to come. Kath